Big Quilt


            Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged, my days have been full of programs, school, and like a million other things!  So today I actually have some down time to blog!  Today I have decided to blog about a quilt I made about a year ago at a quilting class.  A friend of mine asked me to go to this quilting class at her house, so I decided to go, and I learned how to quilt by making this one.  It was very fun seeing it come together, it took a lot of measuring, cutting, and sewing all the pieces together, but I love sewing so it went by fast.  I found the pattern in one of my great grandmas quilting books, and I thought it looked hard and fun.  Which is what it ended up being.  When I had the pattern picked out, I looked at my mom’s fabrics, as soon as I saw the greens and blues with the creamy white backing I knew that’s what I wanted, so I brought it to my class.  One mistake I did make was in the measuring; I got mixed up with measurements on the green fabric and started cutting it an inch short.  Thankfully we had extra fabric so that could be fixed, but it took a lot of extra time to seam rip out the one’s I’d messed up, cut and sew new pieces on!  When my quilt was finished I entered it into our county fair and it won the Judges Choice award, besides a first place ribbon!  

 This Picture above is my quilt with its award.


  1. Hi Blondie Belle,
    I love the fabrics and colors you used making your quilt! It really is beautiful. It also looked awesome hanging on display at the county fair with the ribbons attached. It was such an honor for you to win the Judge's Choice Award too. So very proud of you!!

  2. Hard to believe that this is your first quilt. It is very pretty, and it looks like you have experience making dozens of quilts before!


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